Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
Sanitation and property tax compliance: Analyzing the social contract in Brazil, with Mark Walker, Michael Carlos Best, François Gerard & Joana Naritomi, Journal of Development Economics, Vol 160, 2023
Featured as a research highlight in Nature Water volume 1, page 19 (2023)Additional coverage at VoxDevStory of the hurricane: Government, NGOs, and the difference in disaster relief targeting, with Ben Fitch-Fleischmann, Journal of Development Economics, Vol 152, 2021
Additional coverage at VoxDevExternalities and Spillovers from Sanitation and Waste Management in Urban and Rural Neighborhoods, with Molly Lipscomb & Laura Schechter, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Vol 42(3), 2020
The Buck Stops Where? Federalism, Uncertainty, and Investment in the Brazilian Water and Sanitation Sector, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol 12(3), 2020
Featured as a research highlight at the American Economic AssociationPolitical determinants of investment in water and sanitation: Evidence from Brazilian elections, with Rodrigo Schneider, Economics Letters, Vol 189, 2020
(Not so) gently down the stream: River pollution and health in Indonesia, with Teevrat Garg, Stuart Hamilton, Jacob Hochard & John Talbot, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol 92, 2018
Remote-Sensing Supports Economic Inference in Developing Countries, with Jacob Hochard, GEOValue: The Socioeconomic Value of Geospatial Information, Ch 13, 2017
The effects of home-based HIV counseling and testing on HIV/AIDS stigma among individuals and community leaders in Western Kenya: Evidence from a cluster-randomized trial, with Corinne Low, Cristian Pop-Eleches, Winnie Rono, Angeli Kirk, Samson Ndege, Markus Goldstein & Harsha Thirumurthy, AIDS Care, Vol 25, 2013
Published under name "Evan Plous"Production and use of biodegradable materials for incorporation in a non-toxic, eco-friendly battery, Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, Vol 110, 2007
Published under name "Evan Plous"Selected Working Papers & Works in Progress
Greener on the other side: Inequity and tax compliance, with Michael Carlos Best, Luigi Caloi, François Gerard, Joana Naritomi & Laura Zoratto
What we do in the shadows: How urban density facilitates information diffusion, with Qing Zhang & Clare Stevens
The devil's in the details: Discretion and overspecification in public procurement, with Hannah Kris
Polls and taxes: The political costs of tax increases, with Carlota Lorán Lopéz
Robbing Peter in spite of Paul? Compliance decisions across property and income taxes in Pakistan, with Sarmad Sadiq